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To download a version of adJULES right-click on:

adJULESvn1.0 - Version developed by N.Raoult in 2016 featured in the article. Most up to date version including a multisite framework i.e. the ability to calibrate simultaneously over different measurement sites.

adJULESvn0.9 - Version developed by C.Luke. Set up to calibrate the 9 Fluxnet sites from Blyth et al. (2011) .

The filename will be of the form XXX.tar.gz. On unix systems, unzip the archive XXX.tar.gz using "gunzip XXX.tar.gz" to create XXX.tar. Then extract using "tar -xvf XXX.tar". Instructions are in the release/DOCS folder.

The code for the adJULES-emergent constraint can be downloaded here.

Updating adJULES

A total of 94 physical JULES v2.2 parameters are integrated in the adJULES system. These cover 5 PFTs and 4 soil layers. The framework provided by adJULES could in theory be expanded to calibrate newer versions of JULES and parameters beyond this list against additional fluxes. However, to achieve this, the adjoint of the JULES model with respect to these parameters needs to be generated and the code needed to do this is currently unavailable.